Microsoft 20688 Supporting Windows 8.1 Course + Exam Details
Microsoft 20688 Supporting Windows 8.1 Certification
- Training: get practical technical skills
- Receive a certificate of course attendance
- Small class size: increased instructor interaction
- Authorised test centre: exams taken at our premises
- More hands-on: 6 weeks remote lab access included
- Expert trainers: imparting real world experience
- Networking fundamentals, including Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), User Datagram Protocol (UDP), and Domain Name System (DNS)
- Microsoft Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) principles and fundamentals of AD DS management
- Understanding of the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) components and working knowledge of the fundamentals of Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS)
- Windows Server 2008 R2 or Windows Server 2012 fundamentals
- Microsoft Windows Client fundamentals; for example, working knowledge of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and/or Windows 8
- Fundamentals of management and experience using the Microsoft Office 2013 system or the Microsoft Office 2010 system
- Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) components including Windows PE, Windows SIM, VAMT, ImageX, USMT, and DISM concepts and fundamentals
Candidates can achieve this certification by passing the following exam(s).
- 70-688
The certification exam can be registered and attempted within 3 months of course/module completion at Logitrain training centre on weekdays during normal business hours (excludes public holidays)
- Describe the processes involved in planning and using a troubleshooting methodology for Windows 8.1.
- Troubleshoot startup issues and operating system services on a Windows 8.1 system.
- Resolve issues related to hardware devices and device drivers.
- Troubleshoot computers remotely.
- troubleshoot issues related to network connectivity.
- Troubleshoot client configuration failures and GPO application issues.
- Troubleshoot issues related to user settings.
- Troubleshoot remote connectivity issues.
- Resolve issues related to accessing resources from computers that are domain-joined.
- Resolve issues related to accessing resources from computers that are not domain-joined.
- Troubleshoot issues related to application installation and operation.
- Maintain Windows 8.1 following deployment.
- Design and implement extranet connectivity for Windows 8.
- Recover a computer running Windows 8.1.
This course is likely to add to the employment related skills of the participants. The skills developed are likely to be used in the course of being an employee or working in a business.
- Overview of Windows 8.1
- Overview of Troubleshooting Steps
- Overview of the Windows 8.1 Startup Recovery Environment
- Troubleshooting Startup Settings
- Troubleshooting Operating System Services Issues
- Recovering BitLocker-Protected Drives
- Overview of Hardware Troubleshooting
- Troubleshooting Physical Failures
- Troubleshooting Device Driver Failures
- Monitoring Reliability
- Configuring the Registry
- Using Remote Desktop
- Using Remote Assistance
- Remoting with Windows PowerShell
- Determining Network Settings
- Troubleshooting Network Connectivity Issues
- Overview of Group Policy Application
- Resolving Client Configuration Failures and GPO Application Issues
- Troubleshooting Sign-in Issues
- Troubleshooting the Application of User Settings
- Troubleshooting VPN Connectivity Issues
- Troubleshooting NAP Issues
- Troubleshooting DirectAccess
- Troubleshooting File Access Issues
- Troubleshooting File Permissions Issues
- Troubleshooting Printer Access Issues
- Configuring Workplace Join
- Configuring and Troubleshooting Work Folders
- Configuring and Troubleshooting OneDrive Access
- Troubleshooting Desktop App Installation Issues
- Troubleshooting Desktop Apps
- Managing Windows Store Apps
- Troubleshooting Internet Explorer
- Implementing Client Hyper-V
- Managing Windows Activation
- Monitoring and Configuring Performance Options in Windows 8.1
- Protecting Windows 8.1 from Malware and Viruses
- Applying Application and Windows Updates
- File Recovery in Windows 8.1
- Recovery Options in Windows 8.1
Extensive labs are performed during the course.
Microsoft 70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012
Microsoft 20411 Administering Windows Server 2012
Microsoft 20412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services
Microsoft 20413 Designing and Implementing a Server Infrastructure
Microsoft 20414 Implementing an Advanced Server Infrastructure
Microsoft 20415 Implementing a Desktop Infrastructure
Microsoft 20416 Implementing Desktop Application Environments
Microsoft 10969 Active Directory Services with Windows Server
Microsoft 20461 Querying Microsoft SQL Server
Microsoft 20462 Administering Microsoft SQL Server Databases
Includes Career Counselling
Career Counselling is an integral part of job hunting, it is included with this course
Includes Career Counselling
Career Counselling is an integral part of job hunting, it is included with this course
Includes 100% Pass Guarantee
Walk away with the certification. Included in full-time courses. Click here for more Info
Includes Official Exam Fee
Take the certification exam within 3 months of course / module completion
Includes Practise Questions
Practise questions are included to assist you in preparing for the official exam
Includes Books & Meals
Course material in hardcopy is included for you to keep for reference and support
Highly Skilled Trainers
Our trainers are highly skilled with expertise and extensive hands-on experience
Authorised VUE Test Center
Take the official vendor certification exam at the Logitrain training center
Our Price Beat Guarantee
Add Pass Guarantee, extra support, retake in part-time course with a full-time fee
Our Price Beat Guarantee
We will beat competitor’s advertised price. Our course has no extra costs
Our Flexible Training Options
Attend classroom courses weekdays, weeknights, weekends or join from anywhere
Delivering Training Since 2004
There is no substitute for experience, we have trained 3000+ students. Train with the best
Approachable and knowledgeable; comfortable surroundings. Logitrain does make IT training easier |
I recently followed the ITIL Foundation course at Logitrain. The training, materials and facilities were excellent and I would not hesitate to train with Logitrain again.
Thanks for a great week! Really enjoyed and feel I picked up a lot. Great Trainer! Will definitely look at further studies here.
Well-presented and able to convey immense knowledge to class. All queries were responded to promptly.
Excellent teaching method, easy to understand.
Logitrain provided a valuable insight into ITIL and enabled me to excel and advance my knowledge through a simple and well organised series of sessions.
Great place to study for certification, knowledgeable persons, excellent customer service. Ready to answer queries on the spot, very helpful.
The trainer was very patient and gave everybody the opportunity to participate.
The trainer explained everything very well. Logitrain was very helpful for me in getting a better overall understanding of CCNA. I previously had studied it 2 years earlier but required revision