Our Credentials
We are a successful IT training provider operating since 2004. We strive to provide the best training experience and to keep up our high standards we have formed partnerships with the leading industry vendors.
To train people and develop their skills and competencies ensuring they are employed.
Logitrain specialises in technology training with the goal of “Training for IT Jobs” Logitrain is built on the ideology of ensuring jobs to IT beginners and advancing the careers of currently employed professionals by equipping them with the necessary skills required by today’s ever-changing and challenging IT job market.
At Logitrain, we don’t just provide quality Training. We impart industry experience and real-world knowledge to students enabling them to find the right jobs instantly.
Our trainers are highly skilled professionals.
Flexible Schedule
Our training courses are held Weekdays from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm, Weeknights from 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm and Weekends from 10:00 am – 6:00 pm offering great flexibility in scheduling a training and certification course.
Our Claim
Our courses and packages and likely to add to the employment related skills of the participants. The skills developed are likely to be used in the course of being an employee or working in a business (rather than for recreational, hobby, artistic or cultural endeavours).
More Information
For further information, please email [email protected].